Hot weather has a negative impact on the elderly and children, to have a fun and relaxing trip for the whole family, you need to pay attention to the following points:
1. Comfortable clothing:
Hot weather is easy to sweat, so it is advisable to enhance comfortable and comfortable clothes. Choose light, airy clothes that are easy to sweat and dry quickly. Always wear a wide-brimmed hat, avoid direct sunlight on the head and neck; sun visor for hands and nape.
Limit choosing black or white clothes because it is easy to absorb sunlight. Prioritize bright, gentle colors that reflect heat. Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes or sandals and sunglasses to protect your eyes.
2. Priority is given to choosing indoor destinations or places with lots of shade during 10-15h:
During this time, the weather will be sunny and hot, making the elderly and children easily exhausted if they move or participate in outdoor activities. It is best to arrange the time for sightseeing or outdoor activities in the timelines from 6-9am and from 16-18h. From 10 am to 10 am, there will be activities such as visiting museums, production facilities, aquariums…
3. Always wear sunscreen when going outside:
A tube of sunscreen is always an indispensable thing in travel and vacation. Choose a sunscreen suitable for the skin of each family member, with a UV index suitable for local weather, the whole family will come and have fun. Note, apply the cream at least 15 minutes before going outside, reapply every 2 hours.
4. No sudden temperature changes:
The weather outside is hot, but in attractions, resorts, hotels, cars are always cool thanks to the air conditioning system. Moving back and forth between the two areas will create a temperature difference, causing symptoms of heatstroke, heatstroke, which is quite dangerous. The travel/visiting schedule should be arranged reasonably, not letting the temperature in the car differ too much from the outdoor temperature, minimizing the possible temperature difference.
5. Listen to your body’s cues:
Traveling is for relaxation and rest so you need to pay attention to listen to your body. Do not try to complete the list of destinations that you or your family members will burn out. The best way is to check the outdoor temperature, the health of the whole family, alternating short breaks between destinations. Sometimes it is necessary to boldly skip 1, 2 destinations or some experiences so that the whole family can rest and regain strength.
6. Drink lots of water:
In hot, sunny weather, the body will sweat a lot to cool itself. This causes the body to lose water, so it is advisable to add water. Always carry a bottle of filtered water and take a few sips from time to time, don’t wait for thirst to drink. It is necessary to replenish the water regularly, but note that you should not drink too much and be careful with carbonated water because gas will remove water from the body. Drinks containing salt and sugar (used in sports) often create a feeling of thirst, so you should also limit it.
Easy-to-digest foods: Hot sun plus traveling when sightseeing will make the body easily tired, the digestive system also works poorly. In order for “meals are not a burden”, besides local specialties, priority should be given to foods that are easy to digest, cool and refreshing.
Don’t Ignore the Signs of Heat Exhaustion: If you or any family member feels dizzy or nauseous, has a headache, or has cramps, you should stop all you are doing. a cool place to rest and have a drink. Take a break for about 1 or 2 hours before continuing the journey.
7. Equip knowledge of first aid in hot weather:
If you experience symptoms of heat stroke-related illness such as cramps, rapid pulse, pale skin, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms, move to a shaded location immediately. Lie down and loosen clothing, cover yourself with a towel or damp clothing to cool, and seek medical help.