What effects does hail have on plants?

What effects does hail have on plants?

Rain will be your plants’ new best friend and hail, its worst enemy? We tell you how to protect your plants in the rainy season.

If rain is your plants’ best ally, hail is definitely their worst enemy. And it is that during the rainy season the probability of witnessing this meteorological phenomenon increases considerably, so it is important to know how you can protect them from this so that they are not damaged after a storm.

Read on to learn about the benefits of rainwater for plants and the risks of hail.

Watering the plants with rainwater

One of the most important care that must be taken with a plant is watering. There are many methods that are beneficial for different types of plants such as watering with a watering can, direct root irrigation, and submergence irrigation, but it is also important to consider the type of water with which the plants are watered as there are species that could react to chlorine in purified water or contaminants in pipe water.

Given the various water options, one of the preferred by plants is rainwater due to its benefits such as, for example, it does not contain chlorine. In addition, the patter of the raindrops helps the plants to remove the accumulated dust from their leaves, to nourish the roots since, when the water seeps deep into the earth, it drags the nutrients that are found in the most areas with it. the surface of the terrain.

When you notice that it is starting to rain, we recommend you remove your plants and if it is not possible, you can collect the rainwater and water them later with it to take advantage of all its benefits.

Remember that depending on the plant and its needs, you must be especially careful with the amount of water they receive because regardless of the benefits that rainwater may bring, it will always be very important to wait until the soil is completely dry before the next watering.

Hail, the enemy of plants

Hail is particles of water in a solid state that fall in big storms and that can mistreat your plants, orchards and crops. The damage caused by hail can range from slight breaks in the leaves or small blows to the fruits to total destruction of the crop.

For this reason, it is important that you take care of your plants from hail. To avoid getting hurt. There are several ways to take care of your plants from hail, from trying to protect them under a roof or inside your home, to installing professional protection nets that will be responsible for protecting your orchards and gardens.

How to protect your plants from hail?

  • If you want to protect the roots, you can place lots of dry leaves or stones, which will cushion the blow of hail.
  • As we mentioned before, the nets are a great option to protect the upper part of the plant and the fruits. If you don’t have one, you can use plastic bottles for small plants or jugs for larger ones, cut them in half, and place them on the plant like a bell.
  • Gardeners use plastic umbrellas to protect their crops, these are easy to find and come in various sizes.

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